23 May, 2021 Words by Jana Starcevic

Bookshelf Diaries // May 21

The Completist design books we love

Having your own creative business is a fantastic excuse to indulge a serious book buying habit. I'm very much enjoying building my little library (especially since I ran out of space at home) so I've decided to share some of my favourite design books with you every so often. I've also made sure to include non-Amazon links, so please support your independent booksellers!

Own Label Jonny Trunk

1. Own Label - Jonny Trunk

This book is a fantastic resource of Sainsbury's packaging between 1962-1977. Who knew trifle sponge cakes could be so inspirational?! Seriously though, there's some great prints and pattern, and definitely some fantastic colour combinations, so it's always a go to for me whenever I start a new collection. It'll be of no surprise to know I bought this from Present + Correct, and you can too.

Own Label, £20 at Present + Correct

Modern Ikebana

2. Modern Ikebana  - Victoria Gaiger + Tom Loxley

This is honestly an incredibly beautiful book. The colours are just next level, and if you're looking for some unexpected combos, this is the book for you. I find a lot of flower books can have great covers, and then end up being a bit traditional inside, but this one is anything but. It's absolutely stunning and will the favourite book on your shelf.

Modern Ikebana, £30 at London Flower School

Modern Ikebana


Cubicle Vol 2

3. Cubicle Vol No. 2

*Fan girl alert* I have been an avid follower of Shini Park, the genius behind Cubicle Journal for a very long time. If there's anyone I always recommend people to follow on Instagram, it's her. She's incredibly cool, has just the most perfect creative eye, and never takes herself too seriously. Plus, she's really generous with her time and knowledge, regularly posting tutorial videos for all things graphic design, typography, layout, photography... the list goes on. I was lucky enough to get my hands on the second volume of her physical magazine (book? To me, it's a book) and it's just stunning from front to back. Shini is a master of typography and layout, so on top of the stunning fashion editorials, the text is also a visual feast. Anyway, luckily there's still some available, so hurry up and grab your copy.

Cubicle Vol No.2, £42 at Cubicle Journal 

Cubicle Vol No 2

Perfect Magazine

4. Perfect Magazine

Is this a perfectly named magazine? Absolutely yes.  Can Katie Grand do anything wrong? Absolutely no. The cover image for this magazine (but really, book - we love these) is absolutely perfect, and perfectly represents the goodness that's inside. Apparently each issue will be in a different format, so it's fair to say I can't wait for the next one.

Perfect Magazine, £35 at Perfect Magazine

Perfect Magazine

Matisse The Books

5. Matisse: The Books - Louise Rogers Lalaurie

I'm a big, big Matisse fan (aren't we all) so when I saw this book, I just had to buy it. And it's truly beautiful - full of line drawings to make you want to get your sketchbook out. And the colours on the cover are amazing as well - it's just an all round stunning book.

Matisse: The Books €72.50 at Mendo

Matisse The Books

So, that enough book recommendations to break the bank and fill up the shelves for now! Don't worry, I have so many more to share with you, that my next bookshelf round up definitely won't be too far away.

- Jana